My Arbiter Journey End of the Beginning

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By preetirana

I felt a strange combination of relief and pain beneath my knuckles from the old pebble. Anxieties and excitement blended as I stared into the infinite chasm of swirling mist. That was it. My ordeal as an Arbiter has finally reached its pinnacle, the End of the Beginning, after what feels like an interminable war. Let’s read below “My Arbiter Journey End of the Beginning”:-

The Weight of the Gavel

Being an arbitrator was more of a calling than a job. When we were tiny, our mother identified us with a strange birthmark that resembled a gavel. After that, we spent years training arduously to get ourselves mentally and physically ready for the change. Collaboratively, we improved our abilities to keep things organized, consider all of the possibilities, and settle on fair choices.

Because of its weight, the gavel stood as a symbol of our power. It stood for the tremendous weight of our responsibility to protect harmony, guide lost souls, and end wars that posed a threat to the very fabric of reality.

Trials by Fire

Our training had to be top-notch. Learning magical techniques, ancient literature, and fiery trials took a lot of time. We faced off against explosive monsters, navigated perilous landscapes, and mastered the art of avoiding misleading illusions. Every obstacle we encountered forced us to change for the better.

One of these trials is particularly noteworthy. Reality started to fall apart at every step as I tried to navigate the complex Maze of Deception. It seems as though every urban legend had a hidden reality to it. To escape the trap, I had to rely on my intuition and reasoning, which put my discernment to the test. My calling was further reaffirmed when I emerged from the labyrinth uninjured but victorious.

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The Crossroads of Fate

Not long from the beginning’s finish, I came to a crossroads. Three portals shimmered in the mist ahead of me; the strength flowing from each of them was incomprehensible to me. They represented three possible paths for me to take as an arbitrator:

  • The Way of the Guardian: Being a watcher who maintains order in a world that is becoming more and more chaotic and who watches over the boundary between realms is the Way of the Guardian.
  • The Path of the Weaver: The Weaver’s Way of Subtly Manipulating Fate’s Flows.
  • The Walk of the Shepherd: Following lost souls, easing those stranded between worlds, and illuminating the path—that is the Shepherd’s Journey.

There was something unique about every path. Because of the Guardian’s power, I felt a greater sense of responsibility. I became interested in strategy because of Weaver’s knowledge. The shepherd’s demeanor was very touching. Helping the bereaved and providing them with words of encouragement allowed me to put my innate sensitivity to good use.

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The Choice and Beyond: My Arbiter Journey End of the Beginning

With a deep breath, I raised my palm-up hand toward the bright gateway that represented the Way of the Shepherd. As I was engulfed by the otherworldly mist, I felt a burst of energy.

Everything in the cosmos was a kaleidoscope of sound and color. Staring up at a sky full of dancing constellations, I woke up on a desolate plain. Before me, shrouded in a fog, stood a lone individual. Could it be that I am rescuing the life of the first lost soul I ever encountered?

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Part one of my journey came to a close with The End of the Beginning. Working long hours was the next stage. Finding the uncharted territories of reality and guiding the lost to their eternal resting places was my duty as Shepherd Arbiter.

This is where the true test begins. I am ready to face the challenges and enjoy the rewards that lie ahead because of the wisdom I have gained and the kindness in my heart. No matter how tough things become, I will keep going because I know that nothing I do is ever in vain.


In the ethereal haze between realms, my narrative as an arbiter will unfold through encounters and choices. We are working on adding more material. In fact, rather than drawing to a close, The End of the Beginning ushers in an ocean of potential. I am ready to greet all of them as the Shepherd Arbiter. I hope you like reading “My Arbiter Journey End of the Beginning”.


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